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About Us

Degrees in Various academic Didciplines

Central Technical College and CES. Pvt. ITI, plays an important role amongst the public for the past many years. Ever since its inception in 1954 Central Technical College have been growing from strength, starting new courses, keeping abreast with the times. C.T.C attaches paramount importance to Technical Education, Since it equips young men to meet the challenges of modern life. At Present the institution is successfully operating under group of efficient and experienced persons and is named as “CTC Group of Institutions”. There is great demand in a developing country like ours, for well, trained technical hands in industrial and other sections. The type of training offered here, equips students with a correct outlook of life, make them confident to face the complexities of the modern world. Without technical Education which is the bed-rock of an industrialized society, no person can be successful in the struggle for survival. In the vast and complicated ocean of the universe, the ship of life can be steered and guided to proper destination only with the aid of up to date technical know how. In the modern society life encounters stiff competition. There is, no doubt, those who are ill equipped to compete with others, will be defeated and left in the lurch. When you enter this college you may be one without any sense of destination. But when you get out of this college, you will be an altogether different person beaming with confidence, enthusiasm and optimism.


About Us

Central Technical College , CES Pvt ITI, CTC PVT ITI and Usha Technical Institute Pvt.ITI .under the GROUP plays an important role amongst the public for the past many years. Ever since its inception in 1954 Central Technical College have been growing from strength, starting new courses, keeping abreast with the times. C.T.C attaches paramount importance to Technical Education, Since the equips young men to meet the challenges of modern life. At Present the institution is successfully operating under group of efficient and experienced persons and is named as "CTC Group of Institutions". The Group Head Office is at Lazer Memorial Building, Near YMCA, Kannur Road , Kozhikode There is great demand in a developing country like ours, for well, trained technical hands in industrial and other sections. The type of training offered here, equips students with a correct outlook of life, make them confident to face the complexities of the modern world. Without technical Education which is the bed-rock of an industrialized society, no person can be a victor in the struggle for survival. In the vast and complicated ocean of the universe, the ship of life can be steered and guided to proper destination only with the aid of up to date technical know how. In the modern society life encounters stiff competition. There is, no doubt, those who are ill equipped to compete with others, will be defeated and left in the lurch. When you enter this college you may be one without any sense of destination. But when you set out of this college, you will be an altogether different person beaming with confidence, enthusiasm and optimism.

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Rules and Regulations

It is to be understood that the general rules and regulations are intended for the benefit of the students and to prepare them for a successful carrier in life.

  • The ruling of the Principal is deemed final in all matters of the college
  • If the presence of any student is found detrimental the healthy functioning of the college he will be
    dismissed and the fees paid by him will be forfeited
  • It is the responsibility of the students to send their application for the Examination and remit the
    examination fee in time.
  • If the student absents himself for 15 days continuously without leave being granted in writing, he will be
    disenrolled and all fees paid by him will be forfeited. For re-admission, fresh registration and admission
    fees have to be paid
  • The principal reserves himself the right of refusing admission to any student without assigning any reason.
  • The principal reserves the right to change or alter the time table as required from time to time and the
    students will have to abide by it.
  • The rules and regulations of the college will be supplemented or amended as required from time to time
    and shall apply not only to prospective candidates but also to those who have enrolled.
  • The management is not responsible for any change in the rules and regulations of examining bodies,
    boards and societies
  • Principal has the right and freedom to inform the parents and guardians from time to time about the
    progress and conduct of their ward
  • Mobile phone is strictly prohibited in class and college premises.
  • Dhothi will not be permitted in class under any circumstances
  • Students are expected to wear neat uniform during working hours and college functions
  • The admission fee, and other fees laid down under each course are to be paid at the time of admission as
    detailed in the fee schedule
  • Any candidate paying a part of the fee to be paid at the time of joining will not secure studentship of the
    college and he is not entitled for any privilege as student of the college
  • Fee installments are due on the reopening day or first day of every month. 7 days are allowed as grace
    period, after which a fine of Rs. 10/- is to be paid. After 17th of the month Rs. 15/-as fine is to be paid.
  • If the tuition fee or practical and special fee installments of fee are not paid with twenty days after the due
    date, defaulters will not be permitted to attend the class
  • Fees one paid either in part or full are not refundable or transferable under any circumstance
  • For any payment made to the college a printed receipt signed by the official in charge (with the college
    seal) is to be obtained, the receipt should be retained upto the end of the course. Otherwise the college
    will not be responsible for the payment
  • Students discontinuing their study in the college or any courses during any term should pay all the monthly installments, practical fee, and special fee due for the whole year.
  • In case the students joining the college for any course late in the season no concession in fees will be
    allowed and full fees as detailed in the prospectus are to be paid
  • If the officials authorized to collect fees are absent or if they refuse to collect fees, students will have to
    make a written complaint to the principal and pay the fees to the principal
  • The fees laid down for each courses are according to the prevailing system to training convenience,
    facilities, and prices. It the expenditure shoots up due to reasons beyond the control of management due
    to increase in prices, excise duty etc. after the commencement of classes then corresponding increases in
    the fees and other charges will have to be paid.
  • For vacation and holidays given by the college and for leave days taken by the students no concession or
    reduction in the fees is given.
  • A student who is found to have obtain admission by production of falls record, certificates or such other
    mis representation will be summarily dismissed and all fees etc. paid by him or her will be forfeited
  • Admission to the college for any courses will be confirmed only after an interview with the principal. Even
    if the admission and other fees are remitted the principal may refuse admission at his discretion.
  • The names of students who do not submit the required certificates will not be entered in the attendance
    and admission registers and studentship cards will not be issued to them. They will not recorded as
    regular students even if they have paid fees
  • Student should submit their certificates at the time of joining. If they want their certificates during any
    term they should pay all fee dues in that term. The certificate is to be return within the period sanctioned
    by the principal. Transfer certificate will be returned only if the student discontinues his studies or on
    completing the course.
  • Any students after admission to a particular course, intends to transfer himself to another course of this
    college, he will have to submit a fresh application in the described form paying fresh registration fee with a
    written request. No application for transfer will be entertained after 10 days of commencement of course.
    If the transfer is allowed by the principal he will have to pay transfer fee of Rs. 500/-. No transfer is allowed
    from two years to one year courses or to short term courses
  • All holidays observe the government of kerala and Sundays will be holidays for the college also. Short
    vacation for onam, X-mas. And summer will be observed as decided and notified by the principal.
  • No association or Union or club shall be formed by the students without the approval of the principal.
    Organizers, office bearers and member of any student organization of this college without the written
    approval of Principal, by that reason along automatically lose their studentship of the college and the
    principal has the authority to remove the name of such students from the registers and rolls with out
  • For any organization formed by the students the principal shall be the ex-officio president.
  •  For study tours and excursion students will have to bear all the expenditure.
  • No student will absent himself from any class without applying for leave. The application for leave should
    be made to the principal in write countersigned by the parent or guardian or where the case absence was
    due to illness, certificate issued by the medical officer who attended on him.
  • It will be deemed a series offence if a student absent without proper reason from the monthly testes and
    termly examination. Disciplinary measures will be taken on such students.
  • Strict discipline is to be observed by all the students in the class rooms. Students must be respectful and of
    good behavior in the class and outside. For breach of discipline students may be fined individually or
    collectively, if the offence is so serious the student will be expelled.
  • No student shall leave the class room in the middle of the lecture but for serious and urgent matters he
    may be allowed to leave the class room with permission of the instructor. Students are not allowed to enter
    or loiter in the class room not allowed to them
  • For any damage or mischief done in the class room or to apparatus collective fine will be levied if the actual
    culprit is not detected. For any damage done to the wall or any property of the college and if the actual
    culprit is not known collective fine will be levied.
  • For loss of class hours due to strikes the management will not be responsible
  • Smoking and using tobacco or any intoxication is strictly prohibited with in the college premises.
  • Class attendance will be taken daily. If the students do not have the 80% of the total attendance he will not
    be given course completed certificate and he will not be eligible for appearing examination.
  • . Students are not allowed to use staff room or loiter around the college premises.
  • Students going for practical work should entire the workshop or laboratory with the instructor only and
    begin their works only after receiving the instruction from the instructor in charge
  • Students will be allowed to take one book from the college library at a time and the same to be returned
    within 15 days without causing any damage to the book
  • Any student desiring to take books or magazine from m the college library will have to pay library security
    deposit of Rs.1000/- . Each academic year 90% of the library security deposit will only be refunded on
    surrendering the receipt. The other 10% of the deposit will be utilized as library fees for each academic
  • Every student joining for KGCE course should remit Rs. 2500/- as material charges for each academic year
    at the time of joining the colleges.
  • One, two and three years course students will have to make security deposit of Rs.500/- at the time of
    joining for the course. This deposit will be refunded only on completion of the courses successfully after
    deducting charges for damages, fines and fees dues etc.
  • Each student at the time of joining has to remit Rs. 100/-for each academic year as depreciation charges of
    workshop/ Laboratory equipment.
Our heart felt remembrance

Late: Sri.V.L.Joseph

Our Founder & Former Principal

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